Social responsability

Being part of society in which we operate has for us, a sense of commitment - to do our best, promoting the general welfare, according to our intervention possibilities.
Every effort for a sustained and sustainable growth is our main mission, but not the only one.

It is our duty to create jobs and wealth, contributing to the progress and regional development. But we also try to be with our employees in any critical situations, where our support is important.
We also support the community in its many aspects and activities, as follows:

- Opening of the company to host interns;
- Reception of guided study visits to the company’s facilities;
- Support to Social Solidarity institutions, - distribution of food baskets;
- Support for local sports clubs, encouraging the practice of sport, in its different forms.
There is also a constant concern with the environment, by focusing on the recycling of various materials, and reducing waste (oils are collected and disposed throughout oil separators to avoid soil and water contamination).

And this wide commitment of contributing to the common well and to the preservation of our planet is experiencied with the best practces followed in our daily relationship with society.